1.Will all papers be published in International Journal?

Yes, All registered papers will be published in international journal like Scopus indexed, ANNA university Annexure 1, SCIE Journal, Web of science (Author can choose the journal of their wish) with additional fee is charged

2.In case we cannot make our presence(absent) in the conference?

Yes,Absense is acceptable.They can mention the same in the registration form . In such case the conference certificate and proceedings will be sent to respective by post

3.Who are eligiable for Video presentation?

Authors in Abroad are eligible and authors in india having special permission(refer registration form which was send during paper acceptance ) from ICEAT 2024 team.

4.Who is a Registered author ?

The author who submit the registeration form and fee.

5. What will be the presentation timing?

Twelve minutes for each presentation and 3 minutes for question session.

6. What should the participants bring?

Participants should bring a copy of their college ID card and presentation in a pen drive(preferable) or CD .

7. Who can attend ICEAT 2024 ?

Research Scholars, Educators, Industry Professionals(CEOs, CMOs, Vice-Presidents, Directors, GMs), Practitioners (Brand Specialists, Head of Marketing), Delegates, Stakeholders, Editorial Borad Members of Journals, Innovators, Faculty, PhD Scholars, M.E/M.TECH/MBA/Msc. Students, Government Officials, Technology Experts, B.E,B.TECH Students, Alumni's